Kuroki Okami no Yado

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Kuroki Okami no YadoThe Black Landlady's Inn
Length 6:52
Type Vocal
Release Date 15 December 2010
Band Sound Horizon

The Black Landlady's Inn (in Japanese 黒き女将の宿, Kuroki Okami no Yado) is the third track on Sound Horizon's seventh story CD Märchen.




“A joyful black swing, swaying in the dusk wind.”

Swing. Swing. Swing with the wind.
Dance, black swing...

“Why did you cross this border?
Come, try to sing...”

I was born in a poor village and always had an empty stomach
If there really was a house made of sweets, that’d be mighty nice

“People can only be saved by faith”

Some great chap once said; I hear tell ‘twas written in some book
If God really would save me, I reckon I could eat t’ my heart’s content

Our folks went out with sickles in hands
The sky’s color on that day was sorrowfully red...
(“This is for the village!” “This is all for our families, everyone, let’s go!” “We’re gonna come back!” “Don’t be worryin’ ‘bout us now!” “We’re gonna have to part sooner or later.”)

“After General Gefenbauer-----!”

When the cannons roar「even without wings」people roam the skies「high and light」It’s a war in name only, a true massacre
Ah, with farm tools as weapons 「that’s too bad」their ranges are too short 「cruelly so」It’s a war in name only, a true massacre

Most o’ the workers in the village didn’t come back...

“And I was sold t’ a faraway city.”

Age: Unknown. Gender: Unknown. Experiences: Scandalous. Truly a life of disgrace.
The suspicious landlady is secretly active night after night in this inn.
Its name is “Black Fox Bower”!
(Von Unbekanten Alter und Geschlecht. Begegnen verheißen Pech. Ein Leben ist’s mehr schlechter als Recht. Der Gasthof der Wirtin "Kurogitsunetei")

“One dirty old woman past her prime.
To live on while keeping a straight face...isn’t all sunshine and roses!”

“All my beloved men broke fragilely.
Is it my luck, or is it just this era...”
“Ah, Müntzer was noble,
Hutten was flamboyant,
Sickingen was, ah, more passionate than anyone else ♡”
(“Hey there, I’ll be intruding upon your hospitality.”
“Go back if yer intrudin’.”)

“Landlady, landlady! Hey, ye damned ol’ woman!”
“What now~?♡”
“The customer’s a-waitin’.”
“Geez, shut it!
I was at a good place!”

“I wonder, who was it that took in a backwater girl like you?
So..watch your mouth!”
(“Alrighty. alrighty”)

“Come on in, sir. How about some warm beer?” (“Hmm...” “It’s good.”)
“Let me serve you our joy and pride, the best liver cuisine!” (“Alright!” “Yeah”)
(“Oh, I see. I’ll have some then!”)

“Ahhh shit!”

Glarin’ at the landlady who flew out into the dusk
The customer was angry, and I tried apologizin’
(“Hey, hey, what’s goin’ on here? Ain’t this a bar!?”
“What’re ye sayin’? ‘tis an inn, sorry.”)

-And one hour later...

The landlady came back, uncarin’ o’ the atmosphere
In her hands, she carried fresh ingredients fer atonement
(“Everyone! I kept you waiting!”
“There she is! Where were you!?”
“It’s a liver sent straight from the farm! Ohohoho!”
“Ohh, nice!”)

At the smell o’ that, the customer, mad with anger, regained his good mood
And the landlady, who added the flavors, continued her rampage...
(“Man, that was really good! Ah, how wonderful! I never thought I’d be able to eat cuisine like this in such a backwater town, hahaha!”
“Well, sorry fer bein’ backwater!”)

If we don’t have a corpse, we can just make one!
I’m sick of that, sick of being poor...and hungry...
I don’t want to feel miserable like that again!”

“I tried my hardest to live, but nothin’ ever went my way.
So in the end, what’s up with life...I don’t get it...”

“I see, so that’s how you were hung. Regrettably, for a crime you don’t remember ever committing.
Fact or fiction, things that were taken are things to be regained.
Now, let the revenge tragedy begin!”

Knock knock     knock knock     knock knock the door
Knock knock     knock knock     knock knock the door
Knock knock     knock knock     knock knock the door

Dance, black

“Give back my liver...”

S  w  i  n  g


“Even if one tries to make money in cheap ways, it wouldn’t go over so well, huh.”
“It’d be strange if a sloppy plan like that went well. Ufufufufu!!”

Translated by Defade.







Computer Programming: Revo

Electric Guitar & Nylon Strings Guitar: YUKI
Bass: Atsushi Hasegawa

Piano & Synthesizer & Harmonium & Cembalo: Koji Igarashi

Drums: Toru Abe

<Gen Ittetsu Strings>
【1st Violin】 Ittetsu Gen, Maki Nagata, Masayoshi Fujimura, Yoshiko Kaneko, Osamu Iyoku, Kaoru Kuroki, Satoki Nagaoka, Yayoi Fujita, Syu Watanabe
【2nd Violin】 Takuya Mori, Kiyo Kido, Masane Ohta, Koji Ohtake, Reiko Tsutchiya, Shiori Takeda, Nobuko Kaiwa
【Viola】 Daisuke Kadowaki, Shouko Miki, Chikako Nishimura, Yuko Kajitani
【Cello】 Kaori Morita, Masami Horisawa, Tomoki Iwanaga, Seigen Tokuzawa, Toshiyuki Muranaka
【Contrabass】 Yoshinobu Takeshita, Shigeki Ippon

【Viola】 Daisuke Kadowaki, Shouko Miki, Chikako Nishimura, Yuko Kajitani
【Cello】 Kaori Morita, Masami Horisawa, Tomoki Iwanaga, Seigen Tokuzawa, Toshiyuki Muranaka
【Contrabass】 Yoshinobu Takeshita, Shigeki Ippon

【Soprano】 Satoko Kubo, Yuria Wakai, KAORU
【Alto】 Sanae Hori, Keiko Aoki, Sayaka Hane
【Tenor】 KABASHISAMA, Yohei Sasaki, Masato Kamiya
【Bass】 Yoshinori Koba, Masato Otsuka, Keiji Kitani
Choir Director: Yoshinori Koba

<Sugamo Children's Choir>
Kazune Ohsawa, Airi Kamata, Tomohito Ohsawa, Nao Mamiya, Haruka Ito, Moe Odaka, Ayano Mizushima, Kako Kondo, Kurumi Mamiya, Kei Toriumi, Tabin Ryu, Yui Miura
Instructor: Yoshiko Ohsawa

Sound Effects: Hirokazu Ebisu


Music Producer: Revo
The song was Written, Composed & Arranged by Revo

Producer: Koji Takahashi 【RAP-PRODUCTS, INC】
Director: Mayumi Takagi 【RAP-PRODUCTS, INC】
Public Relation: Ryoko Biyajima 【RAP-PRODUCTS, INC】
Production Assistant: Shoko Aoyagi 【RAP-PRODUCTS, INC】

Recording Engineers: Suminobu Hamada 【Wonder Station】 & Akihiro Tabuchi 【Wonder Station】
Assistant Engineer: Akihiro Tabuchi 【Wonder Station】
Mixing Engineer: Suminobu Hamada 【Wonder Station】
Mastering Engineer: Yasuji Yasman Maeda 【Bernie Grundman Mastering】
Recording & Mixing Studio: Wonder Station
Mastering Studio: Bernie Grundman Mastering

Booklet Illustration: Yokoyan

Design: Takafumi Kitsuda 【KING RECORDS】
Design Coordinator: Yuriko Yamano 【KING RECORDS】 & Saki Haginoya 【KING RECORDS】

Artist Promoter: Tsuyoshi Shibuya 【KING RECORDS】
Sales Promoter: Emiko Hosoda 【KING RECORDS】
A&R: Koji Masuya 【KING RECORDS】 & Yukiko Hiraoka 【KING RECORDS】
Label Producer: Masato Asanuma 【KING RECORDS】

Mikuni Shimokawa by the Courtesy of PONY CANYON INC.
Miku Hatsune from Crypton Future Media, Inc.

Live Performances