Namida de wa Kesenai Honoo
涙では消せない焔Namida de wa Kesenai HonooA Flame Never Extinguished by Tears | |
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Information | |
Length | 8:37 |
Type | Vocal |
Release Date | 22 April 2015 |
Band | Sound Horizon |
Label | Pony Canyon |
A Flame Never Extinguished by Tears (in Japanese 涙では消せない焔, Namida de wa Kesenai Honoo) is the seventh track on Sound Horizon's ninth story CD Nein.
【彼女】の暮らす地域では、死んだ子の棺に双子の人形を入れるという奇妙な風習が存在した。 其れは誰が生み出したモノなのか?此の地平には或る種の揺らぎが多く、観測には困難が伴う。 女には出産の経験が在ったが、しかし、其れは死産と呼ばれる哀しい《物語》で在った・・・・・・。
此の悲劇の結末を左←→右すると予想される《因子》。 ワタシは【彼女】のad921d60486366258809553a3db49a4aを【否定】してみた・・・
さて。箱の中の猫は、生きているのか? 死んでいるのか? 其れでは、檻の中を覗いてみよう――
(What does sadness really tell among life and death?
The unknown lady, who sings across the horizons and links to "Roman".
She is the "Nein".)
仮初めの《焔》が 照らしたこの《貧しい底辺暮らし》は
口減らし蔓延れど 尚も楽にならず
私達の葛藤が 導いたその《止むを得ぬ最終手段》は——
「《旧体制》薙ぎ倒す 洪水よ来たれ!」
長き御代に 腐る《絶大なる権力》
至尊を《民衆の業》で 地に落とした・・・・・・
私達の歴史は 繋いだこの
揺らぎながらも何処へ 向かって往くのだろう?
繰り返す夜に 瑆る《数多なる星屑》
子孫へ《至る物語》を 紫に堕とした・・・・・・
産まれる時代が違えば? 産まれる身分が違えば?
生き方の 選択が 他に許されたでしょうか?
自由と平等を掲げ 《断頭台》は血を啜り続ける
《時代》のうねり この流れば 何時まで続くのでしょうか?
生 と 死 の狭間で 焔 は燃ゆる・・・・・・
——と見せかけ 充分敵を 引きつけたら 騎兵は散開
敵も急には 止まれやしない 砲兵が待つ 合図は三回
単純な戦術も 敵の虚を突けば 蜂の巣さ
戦火の中 戦果の手応えに 手が震えた
列強の連合が 飛び火を恐れて 消しに来る
《神聖フランドル帝国》を 《革命によって打倒》し尚
吼える《野砲》 空を抱いて
皮肉を笑うように 焔 は 燃ゆる・・・・・・
戦場へ向かう・・・ 愛しい影・・・ 気丈な振りして・・・ 見送った・・・
悲しみ程・・・ 朱い夕陽に・・・ 零れ落ちた・・・ 私の《本音》・・・
見透かす様な声色で・・・ 少女が囁いた・・・
次に遭う私に 【必ず】 返してね♪」
この娘達に 話しかけると 不思議と懐かしい 気持ちになる
何故なのかしら? 子供の頃の 夢がよみがえる
嗚呼・・・ 親に捨てられた私は それでも愛を夢見た
そう・・・ 思ってた筈なのに・・・・・・
嗚呼・・・ されど現実の私は 子を生す事を《否定》した
そう・・・ 思ってた筈なのに・・・・・・
この《時代》に この《第九の現実》に 生まれてくる事が
果たして幸せなのか 考える程 判らなくなっていたの・・・・・・
君が来た朝を 君が行く夜を 迷いながら 傷つきながらも
生きてる《現在》を そして その《未来》を
《希望》を諦めず 《肯定する》なら
その子もまた《波乱に満ちた人生》を愛す・・・ だろう?
けれど・・・ 気付いた時には遅過ぎた・・・
そう・・・ 子供を生せぬ身体に
――いいえ・・・ それでも・・・ アナタは生きている・・・
な ら ば
我らが紡いだこの《物語》を 生まれるキミに繋ごう!
[アナタ/オマエ]を産むのが[【私】/【家内】]じゃなくても・・・ 《宿せなかった冬の子よ》・・・
何時か・・・ 産まれておいで・・・
焔 は廻る
(The choice of bearing. The choice of not bearing.
The choice of being born. The choice of not being born.
If there is a flame never extinguished by tears
The future is in the hands of the Laurants...)
The unknown lady, who sings across the horizons and links to "Roman".
She is the "Nein".)
Karisome no hikari ga terashita kono [seikatsu] wa
Kuchiberashi habikore do nao mo raku ni narazu
Watashitachi no kattou ga michibiita sono [sekai] wa——
"[ANSHAN REJIIMU] nagi taosu kouzui yo kita re!"
Nagaki miyo ni kusaru [kusari]
Shison wo [mizu kara no te] de chi ni otoshita......
Watashitachi no rekishi wa tsunai da kono [sekai] wa
Yuragi nagara mo doko e mukatte yuku no darou?
Kurikaesu yo ni hikaru [hikari]
Shison e [tsunagaru michi] wo shi ni otoshita......
Umareru jidai ga chigaeba? Umareru mibun ga chigaeba?
Ikikata no sentaku ga hoka ni yurusareta deshou ka?
Jiyuu to byoudou wo kakage [GIROCHIN] wa chi wo susuri tsuzukeru
[Toki] no uneri kono nagare wa itsu made tsuzuku no deshou ka?
Sei to shi no hazama de honoo wa moyuru......
——To misekake juubun teki wo hikitsuketara kihei wa sankai
Teki mo kyuu ni wa tomare ya shinai houhei ga matsu aizu wa sankai
Tanjun na senjutsu mo teki no kyo wo tsukeba hachinosu sa
Senka no naka senka no tegotae ni te ga furueta
Rekkyou no rengou ga tobihi wo osorete keshi ni kuru
[Teisei] wo [hitei] shi nao
[Eiyuu] wo matsuri age......
Hoeru [KANON] sora wo daite
[Mawari tsuzukeru] oka no ue
Hiniku wo warau you ni honoo wa moyuru......
"Ara, konkai wa souiu sentaku wo shita no?
Sore mo kenmei kamo shirenai wa ne..."
Senjou e mukau... itoshii kage... kijou na furishite... miokutta...
Kanashii hodo... akai yuuhi ni... koboreochita... watashi no [kokoro]...
Misukasu you na kowairo de... shoujo ga sasayaita......
"[C'est mademoiselle Violette qui est dans le bras droit]
Meguri kuru sei ni hohoende kureru ko yo
[C'est mademoiselle Hortense qui est dans le bras gauche]
Meguri yuku shi wo itami naite kureru ko yo"
"Ara, gyaku datta kashira?
Maa ii wa. Anata no kaisyaku ni yudaneru wa ne.
Sabishii nara kono kotachi wo kashite ageru.
Tsugi ni au watashi ni [kanarazu] kaeshite ne♪"
Kono kotachi ni hanashi kakeru to fushigi to natsukashii kimochi ni naru
Naze na no kashira? Kodomo no koro no yume ga yomi gaeru
Aa... oya ni suterareta watashi wa sore demo ai wo yume mita
Dare yori mo yasashii [MAMAN] ni narou
Sou... omotteta hazu na no ni......
Aa... saredo genjitsu no watashi wa ko wo nasu koto wo kyohi shita
Dare yori mo kawaii [MAMAN] ni narou
Sou... omotteta hazu na no ni......
"Miyou mimane de tsukuri hajimeta ningyou ga sama ni natte kita koro.
Machi wabita otto wa kurumaisu de senchi kara kaette kita.
Hanareteita toki no koto soshite kore kara no futari no koto wo.
Tsuki ga taiyou ni kawaru made yukkuri to hanashi atta......"
Kono [kuni] ni kono [jidai] ni umarete kuru koto ga
Hatashite shiawase na no ka kangaeru hodo wakaranaku natteita no......
Kimi ga kita asa wo kimi ga yuku yoru wo mayoi nagara kizutsuki nagara mo
Ikiteru [ima] wo soshite sono [saki] wo
[Hikari] wo akiramezu [mitomeru] nara
Sono ko mo mata [sei] wo aisu... darou?
Keredo... kizuita toki ni wa ososugita...
Sou... ko wo nasenu karada ni
Narihateta no sa......
——Iie... soredemo... ANATA wa ikiteiru...
"Sou da!" "Sou yo!"
"Mada owarijanai!!"
Na ra ba
Yorokobi ni yureta kono [hibi] wo
Kanashimi ni nureta kono [hibi] wo
Warera ga tsumuida kono [uta] wo umareru KIMI ni tsunagou!
[ANATA/OMAE] wo umu no ga [watashi/kanai] janakute mo... [IBEERU]...
Watashitachi [ANATA/OMAE] wo aishiteru [wa/yo]!
[Fusawashii ROMAN] wo mitsuketa nara...
Itsuka... umarete oide...
Honoo wa meguru
(The choice of bearing. The choice of not bearing.
The choice of being born. The choice of not being born.
If there is a flame never extinguished by tears
The future is in the hands of the Laurants...)
Where [she] lived, it is customary for dead children to be buried with twin dolls, as strange as it sounds. Who started this tradition? This horizon is subject to quite a bit of uncertainty, making observation rather difficult. The woman had experienced pregnancy and birth, but it was a sad <story> as her child was a stillborn...
The <factor> that was predicted to change the outcome of this tragedy - I attempted a [denial] of [her] ad921d60486366258809553a3db49a4a.
Well then. Is the cat within the box alive, or is it dead? Let us take a peek inside the cage...
What does sadness really tell among life and death?
The unknown lady, who sings across the horizons and links to Roman.
She is the Nein.
A Flame Never Extinguished by Tears
A transient <flame>[light] shines upon our <lives in terrible poverty>[lives]
Everyone’s reducing the number of mouths to feed, but they’re not any better off
All our hardships led us to one <last resort>[answer]-
“Open the floodgates and let the water overrun this <ancient regime>[Ancien Regime]!”
A reign goes on for too long, with <absolute power>[chains] comes absolute corruption
And we dragged the monarchy to the ground with <the power of the common folk>[our own hands]...
Our history has led us to <one of endless parallel worlds, which you cannot even perceive without the ability to detect the border between horizons>[this world]
Where is it heading to, full of uncertainty?
<An abundance of stardust>[Light] shines in these repeating nights
Drowning the <story>[path] leading towards our children in purple...
If only we were born in a different era; if only we were born a different class
Would we have been given different choices in life?
In the name of freedom and equality, the <guillotine> continues to devour blood
An <era> of change, just how long will this flow last?
Between life and death, the flame burns...
(“Thanks to your swift mobilization, we have now captured the hills with a commanding view!
We are the imperial army! The honorable second division! After General Laurencin-!!!”)
-but it was simply a decoy. Once the enemies are drawn in, the cavalry disperses
The enemy can’t stop themselves in their tracks soon enough, and the cannons lie in wait for three calls
(“One! Two! Three! Fire!”)
If the enemy is caught off guard, even simple tactics will put holes in their ranks
Amidst the fires of battle, I felt my hands shaking at the obvious outcome
Fearing the spread of war, the alliance of great powers come to extinguish the flames
Crowning <new rulers>[heroes] even after denying <the holy Flandre Empire>[monarchy]
With the fire of revolution....
<Cannon> roars resound in the sky
Above hills <in operation>[in revolution]
Laughing at the irony, the flame burns....
“Oh? I suppose this is what you chose this time around.
But perhaps that is wise...”
My beloved...headed off to war...and I put on a brave front as I watched him go...
The sunset...was a sorrowful shade of red...and my <true emotions>...poured out...
A young girl whispered to if she saw through my heart-
(“Don’t cry, madam.”)
“<Miss Violette on the right arm>
She’ll smile in joy for lives coming
<Miss Hortense on the left arm>
She’ll cry in lament for lives passing”
“My, was it the other way around?
Oh well. Take away from it what you will.
If you’re feeling lonely, I’ll lend you these girls.
But [make sure] you give them back to the next me you meet.”
When I talk to these girls, I feel nostalgic for some reason
I wonder why? I’m recalling my childhood dreams
Ah...even though I was abandoned by my parents, I still dreamt of love
I’ll become a <worrying mother>[maman], kinder than anyone else
That’s...what I wanted...
Ah...but in reality, I <denied>[refused] giving birth to a child
I’ll become a <doting mother>[maman], sweeter than anyone else
Even though...that’s what I wanted...
I learned how to make dolls just by watching, and by the time my creations started looking decent
The husband I’ve long waited for returned from the battlefields in a wheelchair.
We talked at length about what happened when we were apart, and what we should do for the future.
The conversation went on until the moon gave way to the sun...
Will the child really be happy about being born in this <era>[country], into this Ninth Reality[era]?
The more I think about it, the less sure I am...
Even though you stumbled through the morning of your coming
And will struggle until the night of your passing
If you will <affirm>[accept] the <present> you’re living in
And its <future> without giving up <hope>[light]
Then that child will also come to love <life, with all its ups and downs>[life]...right?
But...that realization came too late...
That’s right...we’ve grown too old
To bear children...
-No...even’re living...
““That’s right!””
““It’s not over yet!!!””
If that’s the case-
This <era of revolution> swaying in happiness
This <era of change> drenched in sadness
We’ll connect this <story>[song] of our own crafting to you, soon to be born!
Even if [I/my wife] won’t be the one to give birth to you...<Oh winter child who did not become ours>[Hiver]
[We] still love you dearly!
If you ever find <a peaceful era, a bountiful country, and someone to love you>[a suitable roman]...
Please...come and be born...
The flame goes round and round
The choice of bearing. The choice of not bearing.
The choice of being born. The choice of not being born.
If there is a flame never extinguished by tears
The future is in the hands of the Laurants...
(“Can a roman be found there...?”)
Translated by Defade.
- RIKKI (The Main Lady)
- Jimang (The Husband)
- Miyuki Sawashiro (The Shop Keeper)
Electric Guitar, 7-Strings Electric Guitar, Steel Strings Acoustic Guitar, Steel 12-Strings Acoustic Guitar & Nylon Strings Guitar: Takeshi Nishiyama
Bass: Atsushi Hasegawa
Piano & Electronic Organ: Eiji Kawai
Drums: Ken☆Ken
Harp: Tomoyuki Asakawa
Percussion: Mataro Misawa
Solo Violin: Gen Ittetsu
<Gen Ittetsu Strings>
1st Violin: Gen Ittetsu, Kaoru Kuroki, Maki Nagata, Yayoi Fujita, Yu Manabe, Yuko Kajitani
2nd Violin: Daisuke Kadowaki, Osamu Iyoku, Leina Ushiyama, Shiori Takeda, Kazuha Takahashi
Viola: Takuya Mori, Shouko Miki
Cello: Toshiyuki Muranaka, Yoshihiro Uchida
Contrabass: Yoshinobu Takeshita
Trumpet: Masanori Suzuki, Shiro Sasaki, Sho Okumura
Trombone: Kanade Shishiuchi, Naoki Matsuo, Shinsuke Torizuke
Tuba: Masashi Kina
Horn: Takashi Naito, Minoru Hirokawa, Satoshi Matsuda, Masaki Tanaka, Toyohide Watanabe, Yasushi Higa
Flute & Piccolo: Hideyo Takakuwa
Oboe: Satoshi Shoji
Clarinet: Kimio Yamane
Fagotto: Masao Osawa & Toshitsugu Inoue
Choir -Kyo- (Ritsuyukai) & Ensenmble OtonoHa
Choir Director: Yoshinori KOBA
Computer Programming: Revo
Sound Effects Editor: Hirokazu Ebisu
Recording Engineers: Suminobu Hamada 【SOUND INN】, Hiroyuki Akita & Akihiro Tabuchi 【RAP-PRODUCTS】
Assistant Engineers: Akiyoshi Tanaka 【RECORDING STUDIO green bird】, Eriko Iijima 【RECORDING STUDIO green bird】, Fumio Hoshino, Hiromasa Kobayashi 【PONYCANYON YOYOGISTUDIO】, Satoshi Akai 【SOUND INN】, Junya Harada 【SOUND INN】, Norihiko Katsumata 【ONKIO HAUS】, Hideto Matsumoto 【Studio A-tone】 & Kyo Kakinuma 【AVACO CREATIVE STUDIOS】
Mixed by Suminobu Hamada 【SOUND INN】
Mastered by Yasuji Yasman Maeda 【Bernie Grundman Mastering】
Production Cooperation: KING RECORDS
Cover Illustration: Yokoyan
Art Direction & Design: Iwata Room/7STARS DESIGN & Ai Ozaki
Director: Mayumi Takagi 【RAP-PRODUCTS】
Assistant Director: Akihiro Tabuchi 【RAP-PRODUCTS】
A&R: Hideki Tanaka 【PONY CANYON】 & Motomi Oiwa 【PONY CANYON】
A&R in Chief: Atsushi Goto 【PONY CANYON】
Production Assistant: Shoko Aoyagi 【RAP-PRODUCTS】
Public Relations: Ryoko Biyajima 【RAP-PRODUCTS】
Sales Promoter: Taku Kuwahara 【PONY CANYON】
Manufacturing Process Manager: Tomoatsu Tamari 【PONY CANYON】
Media Promotion: PONY CANYON Promotion Team
Production Desk: Misaki Negishi 【RAP-PRODUCTS】
Executive Producers: Koji Takahashi 【RAP-PRODUCTS】 & Kazuo Ishikawa 【PONY CANYON】